Food Science Congress Organizing Committee
Mohamed Fawzy R Hassanien
Zagazig University
Biography: Prof. Dr. Mohamed F. R. Hassanien is currently working as a Professor ReadMore...
Research Interest: Prof. Hassanien’s current research interests are chem ReadMore...
Research Scientist
Ataturk Central Horticultural Research Institute
Biography: Dr. Yasin Özdemir has been the research scientist 2007−prese ReadMore...
Research Interest: His research program involves: Eco-friendly food technology, ReadMore...
Luis Gonzalez Vaque
University of Girona
Biography: He is professor at the Universidad de Girona (Spain), “Pablo de ReadMore...
Research Interest: European Law, Food Law, Food Labelling, Gluten-free Trademar ReadMore...
Francesca Venturi
Associate Professor
University of Pisa
Biography: Francesca Venturi has completed her 1st PhD from the Scuola Superiore ReadMore...
Research Interest: Food Sciences
Naim Ouaini
Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK)
Biography: Professor of Chemistry at the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK), ReadMore...
Research Interest: Industrial Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Water, Environment, ReadMore...
Ozlem Turgay
Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University
Biography: Ozlem Turgay is currently working as an professor at Kahramanmaras Sut ReadMore...
Research Interest: Food Microbiology, Food Toxicology, Meat Science
Naim Ouaini
Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK)
Biography: Professor of Chemistry at the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK), ReadMore...
Research Interest: Industrial Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Water, Environment, ReadMore...
Mohammed Farid
The University of Auckland
New Zealand
Biography: Mohammed Farid has completed his BE in Chemical Engineering from the ReadMore...
Research Interest: Food Preservation
Anne Pihlanto
Principal Research Scientist
Natural Resources Institute
Biography: Anne Pihlanto has completed her PhD from University of Turku. She is m ReadMore...
Research Interest: Proteins and peptides, utilisation of coproducts.
Henryk Zieliński
Polish academy of sciences
Biography: Henry Zielinski has completed his M.Sc. Chemistry-University of Nichol ReadMore...
Research Interest: Antioxidants from food of plant origin with special emphasis ReadMore...
Amiza Mat Amin
Dean School of Food Science
University of Malaysia Terengganu
Biography: Amiza M.A. completed her Bachelor of Technology (Food Technology) from ReadMore...
Research Interest: Food Biotechnology, Food Chemistry
Hami Alpas
Technical University
Biography: He is professor and the Secretary General in Middle East Technical Uni ReadMore...
Research Interest: Unit Operations in Food Engineering, Nonthermal Food Process ReadMore...
Ãrpád Ambrus
Chief Scientific Advisor and Chair for CCMAS
National Food Chain Safety Office
Biography: AMBRUS Ãrpád is chemical engineer (MSc), Candidate of Chemical S ReadMore...
Research Interest: Ambrus has managed the Hungarian Pesticide Analytical Labora ReadMore...
Ana Isabel Novo de Barros
Assistant Professor
University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro
Biography: Ana Isabel Ramos Novo Amorim de Barros is Assistant Professor with Agr ReadMore...
Research Interest: Agro technology
Abdel Halim Harrath
Associate Professor
King Saud University
Saudi Arabia
Biography: Abdel Halim Harrath is part of University of Tunis El Manar in Tunisia ReadMore...
Research Interest: Bioactive molecules
Zhang Zhaowei
Oil Crops Research Institute
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Biography: Zhaowei ZHANG is a key stuff of the Key Laboratory of Detection for Bi ReadMore...
Research Interest: agro-food safety, immunoassay, microchip
John Tsaknis
Dean of the Faculty of Food Technology and Nutrition
Technological Educational Institute of Athens
Biography: John Tsaknis has completed his Ph.D. and Postdoctoral studies from Lin ReadMore...
Research Interest: Food Safety,Nanotechnology,Food Technology,Food Chemistry,Nu ReadMore...
Jose S. Torrecilla
Associate Professor
Complutense University Madrid
Biography: José S. Torrecilla received his B.Sc. and Ph.D (with honours) in Ch ReadMore...
Research Interest: His research fields are mainly focused on developing mathema ReadMore...
George Boskou
Assistant Professor
Harokopio University of Athens
Biography: George Boskou is Assistant Professor of Food Service Management in the ReadMore...
Research Interest: gastronomy, food service management, food safety and quality ReadMore...
Maria Papageorgiou
Associate Professor
Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki
Biography: Maria Papageorgiou is a graduate of the Department of Chemistry -Arist ReadMore...
Research Interest:
Charalampos Proestos
Assistant Professor
University of Athens
Biography: Charalampos Proestos has a BSc in Chemistry, University of Ioannina, G ReadMore...
Research Interest: 1.Food Antioxidants: Extraction, isolation and chemical char ReadMore...
Smaragdi Antonopoulou
Harokopio University
Biography: Smaragdi Antonopoulou was awarded Post doctoral fellow in Biochemistry ReadMore...
Research Interest: Biology, Biochemistry, Physiology, Nutrition and Dietetics
Eleni Kollia
PhD candidate in Chemistry
National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
Biography: Eleni Kollia is a Chemist (MSc) and has her expertise in Food Chemistr ReadMore...
Research Interest: Food chemistry, Food safety, Food microbiology, Mycotoxins, ReadMore...
Byung-Mu Lee
Sungkyunkwan University,
Biography: He is Associate Editor of the Journal Toxicol. Environ. Health, Associ ReadMore...
Research Interest: Int’l Assoc. of Environ. Mutagenesis and Genomics Soc ReadMore...
Yasmine Lashine
German University, Cairo
Biography: Dr. Yasmine Adel Lashine has completed MD degree from Ain Shams Univer ReadMore...
Research Interest: Molecular Genetics
Benjamin K. Simpson
Canadian Institute of Food Science & Technology (CIFST)
Biography: Dr Benjamin K. Simpson is a professor at the Department of Food Scienc ReadMore...
Research Interest: on the post-morten biochemistry of marine organisms - more s ReadMore...
Maria Gougouli
Aristotle University
Biography: Maria Gougouli is a lecturer in the Food Science and Technology pathw ReadMore...
Research Interest: Food Nutrition & Dietetics assessment
Jolene Mateko Azagba-Nyako
Jolene Mateko Azagba-Nyako University of Westminster
Biography: olene Mateko Azagba-Nyako is currently a PhD candidate in Department o ReadMore...
Research Interest: Development of tailored food product.
Dr. Naveen Kumar
Shoolini University, Solan (HP), India
Biography: Dr. Naveen is currently working as full time faculty member in the Sch ReadMore...
Research Interest: food safety, application of nanotechnology in food system, c ReadMore...
Dr. Beenu Tanwar
Assistant Professor
Mansinhbhai Institute of Dairy and Food ,Gujarat, India
Biography: Dr. Beenu Tanwar is currently Assistant Professor at Mansinhbhai Insti ReadMore...
Research Interest: Main focus of her research is on value addition of underutil ReadMore...
Ozlem Tokusoglu
Conference Chair
Department of Food Technology
Celal Bayar University
Biography: Ozlem Tokusoglu has completed her PhD at Ege University Engineering Fa ReadMore...
Research Interest: Food Chemistry & Quality Control & Novel Food Processing Tec ReadMore...
Ian Watson
Conference Co-chair
Department of Systems Power and Energy
University of Glasgow
Biography: Ian Watson’s first degree was in applied physics, followed by a ReadMore...
Research Interest: My research interests range from exploiting bioenergy and mi ReadMore...
Osama Ibrahim
Biography: Osama Ibrahim is a highly experienced, principal research scientist wi ReadMore...
Research Interest: Food Science and Nutrition
Giancarlo Cravotto
Universty of Turin,
Biography: Giancarlo Cravotto is Full Professor of Organic Chemistry at the Unive ReadMore...
Research Interest: Food science, Drug and pharmaceutical science
Christopher Smith
Food, Nutrition and Health Research Centre
Manchester Metropolitan University
Biography: Christopher Smith joined MMU in November 2010 as the Director of the M ReadMore...
Research Interest: The role of vitamin D, Utilisation of Food wastes as sources ReadMore...
Gary D Stoner
Conference Co-chair
Department of Medicine, Hematology and Oncology
Medical College of Wisconsin
Biography: Dr. Gary Stoner is Professor of Medicine at the Medical College of Wis ReadMore...
Research Interest: We examined the ability of freeze-dried berries to prevent G ReadMore...
Gustavo Barbosa Canovas
The Center for Non Thermal Processing of Food
Washington State University
Biography: Gustavo V. Barbosa-Cánovas received his B.S. in Mechanical Engineer ReadMore...
Research Interest: Improve the quality of processed products by retaining food ReadMore...
Gulhan Unlu
Associate Professor
School of Food Science
University of Idaho
Adjunct Faculty
Washington State University
Biography: Gulhan Unlu has been on the University of Idaho faculty since 2000. Sh ReadMore...
Research Interest: food microbiology, dairy microbiology, food biotechnology, m ReadMore...
Amiza Mat Amin
Dean School of Food Science
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
Biography: Amiza M.A. completed her Bachelor of Technology (Food Technology) from ReadMore...
Research Interest: Food Biotechnology, Food Chemistry
Howard Q.Zhang
USDA ARS Western Regional Research Cente
Biography: Dr. Howard Zhang is the Director for the USDA ARS Western Regional Res ReadMore...
Research Interest: His areas of expertise include nonthermal processing technol ReadMore...
Ruihong Zhang
Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering
University of California
Biography: Ruihong Zhang is a Professor in the Department of Biological and Agric ReadMore...
Research Interest: Bioenergy and biofuel production, waste treatment and enviro ReadMore...
John P. Tsaknis
Technological Educational Institutions (T.E.I.) of Athens
Biography: John Tsaknis has completed his Ph.D. and Postdoctoral studies from Lin ReadMore...
Research Interest: Food Technology,chemistry and nurtition
Alison Burton Shepherd
Senior Lecturer
De Montfort University
Biography: Alison Burton-Shepherd is a Registered Nutritionist (Scientist) and Se ReadMore...
Research Interest: Pre and post registration nursing with a specialism in nutri ReadMore...
Lara Hanna Wakim
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences
Holy Spirit University of Kaslik
Biography: Lara Hanna Wakim is an Associate Professor and Dean of the Faculty of ReadMore...
Research Interest: Food, nutrition and health
Dilek Heperkan
Department of Food Engineering
Istanbul Technical University
Biography: Dilek Heperkan has completed her Ph.D. in 1986 from Egean University, ReadMore...
Research Interest: Food Engineering, Food Microbiology
Mirjana Menkovska
Department of Food Technology and Biotechnology
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University
Biography: Mirjana Menkovska is full Professor at the Department of Food Technolo ReadMore...
Research Interest: Food processing and technology, Product development,
Ralf Greiner
Department of Food Technology and Bioprocess Engineering
Max Rubner-Institut
Biography: Ralf Greiner has completed its Ph.D. at the University of Stuttgart, D ReadMore...
Research Interest: Food Nanotechnology, Enzyme Application in Food Processing, ReadMore...
Henryk Zieliński
Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research
Polish academy of sciences
Biography: Henry Zielinski has completed his M.Sc. Chemistry-University of Nichol ReadMore...
Research Interest: antioxidants from food of plant origin with special emphasis ReadMore...
Charles Brennan
Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Lincoln University,
New Zealand
Biography: Charles Brennan is a Professor of Food Science at Lincoln University, ReadMore...
Research Interest: interface between food science and human nutrition with part ReadMore...
Alev Bayındırlı
Department of food engineering
Middle East Technical University
Biography: Alev Bayindirli is a professor in the Department of Food Engineering, ReadMore...
Research Interest: Food Engineering (Fruit and vegetable processing, Food enzym ReadMore...
Nevzat Artık
Department of food engineering
Ankara University
Biography: Born in 1955 in Ankara, Prof. Dr. MN NOW, after completing his primary ReadMore...
Research Interest: Prof. Dr. Nevzat now summarize the issues between the expert ReadMore...
Kazutaka Yamamoto
Head of Laboratory
Piezotechnology Laboratory
National Food Research Institute
Biography: Kazutaka Yamamoto got his Ph.D in Agricultural Chemistry and Food Engi ReadMore...
Research Interest: Research on high pressure food processing from the viewpoint ReadMore...
Abdulkadir Halkman
Department of food engineering
Ankara University
Biography: Kadir Halkman was born in 1953 in Ankara. He graduated at "Department ReadMore...
Research Interest: Food microbiology and Food Safety
Naim Ouaini
Deputy President
Public Administration
Holy Spirit University of Kaslik
Biography: Naim Ouaini is Professor of Chemistry at the Holy Spirit University of ReadMore...
Research Interest: Industrial Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Water, Environment, ReadMore...
Francesco Zecca
Associate Professor
Department of Management
University of Rome La Sapienza
Biography: Francesco Zecca is Associate Professor of Economics and Agricultural P ReadMore...
Research Interest: Agricultural Research, economics, sustainability and food pr ReadMore...
Walid Hleihel
Deputy President
Student academic affairs
Holy Spirit University of Kaslik
Biography: Walid Hleihel is the Deputy President of Student Academic Affairs and ReadMore...
Research Interest: Physiology, Pharmacology, Cell Biology, Physiology
Joane Matta
Holy Spirit University of Kaslik
Biography: Joane Matta is an assistant professor and the head of the Nutrition de ReadMore...
Research Interest: Agricultural, Food Sciences and Nutrition
Marc Beyrouthy
Holy Spirit University of Kaslik
Biography: Marc Beyrouthy is Associate Professor - Head of Agricultural Sciences ReadMore...
Research Interest: Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Bioactivities of plants extra ReadMore...