- Food Analysis and Quality Control | Food Science and Technology | Food Science and Food Chemistry | Food Biotechnology | Food Storage and Preservation
Location: Attica Hall

Palencia-Blanco Cristian
Industrial University of Santander, Colombia
Session Introduction
Esra Sumlu
Gazi University, Turkey
Title: High-fructose diet activates testicular inflammatory pathway in rat
Time : 10:45 -11:15

Reyhan Selin Uysal
Istanbul Gedik University, Turkey
Title: Determination of liquid egg quality using ATR-FTIR spectroscopy in combination with chemometrics
Time : 11:35-12:10

Reyhan Selin Uysal has completed her PhD from Istanbul Gedik University, in the Department of Food Engineering. She has published seven papers in reputed journals
Liquid egg products as a substitute for shell eggs have been used in many food industries. Hence, determination of liquid egg (LE) quality has been an important concern for food industry. The aim of the present study was to determine the components of LE quantitatively within a very short time, where spectroscopic method was employed instead of reference methods. Compositional analysis (protein, lipid, moisture, and total soluble solid (TSS)) of LE samples was performed by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy. The actual protein (Kjeldahl method), total lipid (AOAC method), moisture (AOAC method), and TSS (Refractometer) content of the samples were detected by reference methods. Detected values were correlated with ATR-FTIR spectrum, and calibration models were constructed for each component to predict the content of the components. Data analysis was performed using partial least square (PLS) regression. The model performance was evaluated by the statistic RMSEC, RMSECV, RMSEP values and determination of coefficient (R2) value for calibration and validation data sets. The actual contents of the components were compared with predicted values. Determination of coefficients (R2) of validation data sets for protein, lipid, moisture, and TSS were 0.95, 0.992, 0.994, and 0.972, respectively. The error values, namely RMSEC, RMSECV, and RMSEP were obtained in the range of 0.404-0.978, 0.57-1.82, and 0.83-1.84, respectively. This study showed that protein, lipid, moisture, and TSS contents of LE samples could be estimated with a high accuracy using improved PLS models, which also contributes to the literature in the field of a rapid quantitative analysis with high success.
Onur Gokhan Yildirim
Gazi University, Turkey
Title: High-fructose diet induces testicular degeneration in rat
Time : 12:10- 12:45

Onur Gokhan Yildirim is currently pursuing his PhD in the Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy at Gazi University. His research subjects focus on the effects of fructose consumption-induce metabolic syndrome and its modulation of dietary factors. He has published three SCI papers in related subject
The growing worldwide epidemic of metabolic syndrome may be linked to an increased consumption of fructose. High-fructose diet is well documented to induce metabolic disturbances in animal and human studies. The effect of high-fructose diet on male reproductive system has been poorly documented. Therefore, herein, we investigated the effects of dietary fructose on testicular function regulators IGF-1R and c-kit, blood-testis barrier proteins claudin-1 and pan-cadherin in the testis of rats. Fructose was given to the rats as 20% solution in drinking water for 15 weeks. Histological examination with hematoxylin-eosin staining showed that dietary fructose caused degeneration in seminiferous tubules. Also, testicular concentration of testosterone was decreased. The expression level of IGF-1R protein measured by both Western blotting and immunohistochemical staining was increased in testicular tissue of fructose feeding rats. Our immunostaining study also demonstrated that expression intensities of c-kit, claudin-1 and pan-cadherin were comparable in seminiferous tubules of control and fructose-treated rats. In conclusion, high-fructose ingestion induces a testicular degeneration together with increased expression level of IGF-1R in testicular tissue of rats, thus showing a compensatory defense mechanism against harmful challenge
Yusuf Ibrahim
Kano State Polytechnic, Nigeria
Title: Best solvent system for rapid determination of resveratrol using simple thin layer chromatography TLC (silica gel coated)
Time : 12:45-13:20

Yusuf Ibrahim Ibrahim has completed his Master’s degree from Firat University Elazig, Turkey. He is a Post-graduate Researcher at Firat University, and has completed his academics in Kano State Polytechnics, Kano Nigeria. He is a Manager of Instrumentation Laboratory at School of Technology, Kano. He has published more than five papers in reputed journals and attended several international conferences
Resveratrol has been ranked as the most biologically important class of stilbenoids found in plants. Postulations suggest that; consumption of resveratrol from red wine explain the fact that French people have a comparatively low occurrence of coronary heart disease (CHD), though their regular diets are high in saturated fat; an occurrence termed “The French Paradox”. Resveratrol has been proven to have antioxidant, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, vaso-relaxer, anti-diabetic, anti-aging and general antimicrobial activities. Determination of resveratrol both qualitative and quantitative is time-consuming. This study aims to establish the best solvent system (of mobile phase) for fast and efficient detection of resveratrol in different extracts of (grape) seed and skin, by investigating qualitative means which can also be made quantitative by simple modification of established (reported) procedures. Seventy different combinations of polar/nonpolar solvent systems involving 12 different organic solvents of different ratios were used for ethanolic, aqueous and ethanol/water extract of the grape’s seed and skin. Aluminum silica gel coated TLC plates were used, and standard cis and trans-resveratrol were used for reference. N-Hexane: ethylacetate: ethanol (8:0.5:1), and chloroform: ethanol: acetonitrile (3:1:1.5) were found to give the best separation with constant relative RF values within the same or similar experimental condition, with each of the extracts. First of its kind, this research can help researchers and even individuals in analyzing resveratrol more efficiently from any mixture when this compound is suspected
Hanieh S Musavian
FORCE Technology, Denmark
Title: Poultry decontamination with SonoSteam technology: A summary of the ongoing factory online trials
Time : 14:20 -14:55

Hanieh S Musavian has completed her Master’s degree in Biotechnology from Technical University of Denmark. She is currently an R&D Project Manager and Specialist at FORCE Technology (a GTS Institute) which is an independent not-for-profit organization located in Denmark.
SonoSteam is a minimally decontamination technology that uses the combined effect from steam at 90°C and ultrasound at 25-35 kHz. This system was designed to reduce levels of pathogenic bacteria on raw meat products such as poultry. Since 2014, the system has been closely investigated and optimized at five production lines in three different European broiler slaughterhouses with capacities of 10.500-13.500 birds/hour. Ongoing weekly trials with 10-20 Campylobacter positive birds were sampled. Sampling technique includes 10 g of paired skin samples from neck and breast area. Results showed approximately 0.7-1.2 log on average on birds with highest levels (>1000 CFU). The data suggest a correlation between initial levels and the achieved reductions, whereas the lowest reductions are found on birds infected with levels around 1.5 log. This study is a summary of the results from the ongoing factory trials performed over the last few years
Reyhan Selin Uysal
Istanbul Gedik University, Turkey
Title: Revealing the effects of heat-treated liquid egg on the rheological and quality characteristics of sponge cake
Time : 14:55-15:30

Reyhan Selin Uysal has completed her PhD from Istanbul Gedik University, in the Department of Food Engineering. She has published seven papers in reputed journals.
Egg is the main ingredient in cake production due to its functional properties in the formation of foam. Recently, use of liquid egg (LE) instead of shell egg has been increased because of its ease of use and microbial quality. However, use of LE may degrade the physical quality of cake, due to pasteurization process during LE production. Heat treatment may cause a destructive effect on functional properties of egg proteins. The aim of the present study was to reveal the effects of heat-treated liquid whole egg (LWE) on cake batter rheology and quality characteristics of baked cakes. LWE was pasteurized at different levels which were 60-68°C for 2 and 5 mins. Cake batter and baked cakes were prepared using both untreated and treated LWE, and rheological properties and quality characteristics (moisture loss, color, porosity, texture, and specific volume) were measured. Flow behavior index (n) and consistency index (K) of the control group were found significantly different from the treated LWE cake batters. Heat treatment of LWE showed an unfavorable effect on porosity (decrease from 59% to 49%), hardness (increase from 1.1 to 1.4 N), and specific volume (decrease from 3.6 to 3.4 cm3/g) of the baked cakes because of having less volume and a stiffer structure of heat-treated LWE batter. As a result, heat treatment process of LWE generated a batter with less air bubbles, and thus harder and less fluffy baked cakes were formed. In conclusion, the unfavorable effects of heat-treated LWE on batter rheology and cake quality were demonstrated
Subhash Yadav
Chatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University, India
Title: Utilization of micro millets (ragi) based food products in the field of nutrition for human consumption
Time : 15:30- 16:00

Subhash Yadav, present he is pursuing his Master degree in Nutrition science from Department of biosciences and biotechnology, Kanpur University. He worked as a dietician in a corporate hospital for 10 months he also did diet counseling camp in many schools, industries and society areas. Taken part in national and international conferences, Presented a poster presentation in conference
In different zones of India, cereal production is very low whereas millets production is very high such as Bundelkhand zone. In that condition, per capita cereals and other grains consumption is affected due to its high cost. Therefore, it is an option that the produced micro and macro millets should be properly utilized for human consumption because, these millets have very special medicinal and functional quality and able to reduce diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, constipation etc. But, due to coarse structure, these millets are improperly utilized and mostly used for animal feeds. On the bases of this concern, the present attempt has been made to formulate micro and macro millets incorporated products with cereals and legumes. Pearl millets, maize and Sorghum were selected as macro millets and mandua (Ragi), kakun (Italian millet), kutki (little millet) were selected as micro millets. The processes were standardized to prepare one salty and one sweet product from the incorporation of selected millets with suitable cereal and legume. These sweet and salty food products were sensory evaluated on the basis of 9-point hedonic scale through expert panel. All prepared products were found to be having an average acceptability.
Iddrisu Bukari
Public Health Specialist, Ghana
Title: Microbial Contamination of Drinking sachet Water and Environmental Hygiene Practices of Sachet Water Producers in the Volta Region of Ghana
Time : 16:20-16:50

Mr. Iddrisu Bukari is a current practicing Public Health Nutritionist and Health Tutor with the Ghana Health Service and the Ministry of Health. He holds Master of Public Health Degree, BSc. (Hons.) Public Health and Diploma in Community Nutrition and Health. He worked in Gambaga and Mankranso Districts Health Directorates in 2012 and 2016 respectively as District Nutrition
Providing safe drinking water to the majority of the world’s population, especially those in developing countries, is a major problem. Approximately a billion people lack access to safe drinking water. Water and food contaminated with bacteria, viruses, and protozoa cause infectious diarrhoea. Majority of the population of developing countries including Ghana have sorted to sachet water as a drinking, however, no laboratory study has been carried out to establish the potability and possible microbial contamination of the sachet water.
Methods: The study was an experimental and purposive study conducted to establish the extent of microbial contamination in drinking sachet water and the environmental hygiene practices of the sachet water producers in the Volta Region of Ghana, to establish the contamination in drinking sachet water with microbes such as E. coli, faecal coliforms, enterococcus spp., pseudomonas spp., and heterotrophic bacteria using the Idexx defined substrate technology method.
Results: The key findings ascertained were; E. coli 12%, Total coliforms 19%, enterococcus species 25%, Pseudomonas aeruginosa 18.5%, HPC 27.9% all the sachet samples analyzed. On the environmental hygiene practices, 34% of Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) respondents indicated that improper and indiscriminate disposal of waste could lead to the breeding of germ and cause diseases and water contamination. Sixty seven percent of the CEOs who responded said they do not segregate the waste in their companies and only 8.3% of CEO respondents adhere to aseptic procedures.
Conclusion: CEO respondents seemed to have adequate knowledge of the basic properties of water. The majority of 83% of the employee respondents together with 71% of the CEO respondents were able to distinction between good quality water and poor one. It was found that 58% of CEO respondents and 74% of Employee respondents indicated that direct sunlight andhigh temperatures could affect sachet water quality.